Kartu Bisnis

Kartu Bisnis
Member ID : GLN0000982
peluang usaha

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Failure is temporary. And so is success.

When you’ve failed, it’s good to keep in mind that you can go on to succeed. When you have had some success, it’s important not to become complacent.

The way things are today is not the way they will always be. Tomorrow will be different, and now you can have an impact on what that difference will be.

No matter how enjoyable or discouraging, exciting or troublesome this moment may be, it is a temporary situation. You will definitely move beyond it and the only question is, in what direction?

So focus your thoughts not on the pleasures or disappointments that have brought you here, but on how you will make good use of this moment. Envision a more positive and fulfilling world, and start taking steps to make it so.

Each day is a temporary situation, and yet you can use each day to move toward lasting richness. Grab the value of right now, and push it purposefully into your own bright future.

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Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : EMPTY PURSUITS

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


There are plenty of things you can do to keep busy, to keep yourself feeling like you are doing something. Yet what you’re really after is not just the feeling of doing something, but the experience of doing something that matters.

Busy work is enticing because it doesn’t ask much of you and doesn’t force you to make any real decisions. Yet the desire to be busy will not be fully satisfied by busy work.

What you have is a desire to do something significant, that makes a difference. It is a desire to express your purpose through your efforts.

If you’re spending a lot of time doing busy work that’s mostly empty, you have an opportunity. You can decide to let go of some of that busy work, and suddenly you have time to do some truly magnificent and meaningful things.

When it seems there’s no time for doing what will make a real difference in the world, the problem is not a lack of time. The problem is filling too much of that time with empty pursuits.

Instead of merely appearing busy, fill your moments with purposeful actions. And know how great it feels to be making meaningful progress.

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Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : WHATEVER YOU ALLOW

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


The most miserable people are those who think only of themselves. Let go of self-centered concerns, and let the happiness that is your birthright flow forth.

The most desperate people are those who obsess over their needs. Step back, see that much of what you may think you need, you don’t, and free yourself to fulfill your highest values.

Whatever you chase, eludes you. Whatever you allow, gathers around you in great measure.

Allow your love to settle upon all those who surround you. Allow your generous nature to express itself in all you do, in what you say, and in the way you relate.

Allow your dreams, interests, passions, preferences and priorities to make themselves known, sincerely, honestly, lovingly. Allow and encourage the best in others, and discover how it brings out the best in you.

Allow this moment, this day, this life you share to be as beautiful as you know it can be. Allow true richness, and watch as it spreads throughout your world.

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