Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : NOW BE THANKFUL
Be thankful for the discomfort. It pushes you to move yourself forward.
Be thankful for the dissatisfaction. It reminds you, it compels you, to make more positive choices.
Be thankful for the frustration. It helps you discover more effective ways of taking action.
Whatever the world throws in your path, be thankful for the opportunity to experience it. Be thankful, and in a state of sincere gratitude discover the treasure that has just been laid at your feet.
There is never any good reason to feel sorry for yourself, and never any good result to come of it. Always is a way to be thankful, and always great value in doing so.
Now, be thankful. Touch the beauty, grasp the richness, live the wonder suddenly available in this moment to you.
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Rabu, 28 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : USE THE POWER
You have the power to make your life better. Use it.
You have the power to transform difficult situations into valuable achievements. You have the power to successfully work through whatever challenges lie in front of you.
If you are stuck in an unsatisfying rut, you have the power to get unstuck. When circumstances change, you have the power to adapt and to prosper.
It doesn’t matter that you’ve abused or neglected your power in the past. What matters is that you can use your power now.
You have the power to choose your thoughts and to choose your actions. You have the power to focus your time, your energy and your life in a positive, rich and meaningful direction.
You have the power to fill your world with the best things you can imagine. Imagine those beautiful things, without limit, and use your power to make them so.
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Selasa, 27 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : LET LIFE BE GOOD
Life is good, if you will let it be. Life is good, when you focus on its most positive aspects.
Let life be good by letting go of the need to satisfy your ego. Let life be good by letting go of the need to impress others with how impressive you are.
Let life be good, just because it is, just because you have the opportunity to live it. Let life be good by focusing more on the solid, enduring substance and less on the fleeting, superficial things.
Let life be good by seeing the best in others, those with whom you disagree as well as those with whom you agree. Let life be good by finding the positive aspects of every situation, and by acting to create a positive outcome.
Let life be good by allowing yourself to be curious, filled with a sense of wonder and awe. Let life be good by giving of yourself, experiencing how great it feels to make a difference.
Let this day, this moment, this life be good by living with gratitude for it all. Let life be good, and you make it even better for everyone.
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Senin, 26 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : AMBITION
Take on more than you can handle, then do what is necessary to handle it. Promise more than you can deliver, then find a way to deliver more than you have promised.
Playing it safe is dangerous to your future. Get the juices of your ambition flowing, and get some great stuff done.
Stop waiting around, hoping you’ll come across something that makes you more passionate about life. Start putting lots of effort, with plenty of determination and commitment, into what you’re doing, and you’ll be overflowing with passion and with success.
Stand up and look, with awe and amazement, at the opportunity that’s right in front of you. Then claim the opportunity and jump into it with everything you have.
Think up strategies instead of excuses, then implement those strategies with persistent action. Be willing to get it wrong for as long as it takes to get it right.
Do what you know you can do, and then do a whole lot more. There’s plenty of richness to be lived, so get going and make it happen.
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Rabu, 21 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : GET BETTER
Don’t just get by. Get better.
Don’t stop when you’ve merely done enough. Keep going and take full advantage of the powerful momentum you have created.
You have what it takes to exceed your highest expectations. So expect the very best, and then do even more.
When you’ve made a little progress, keep it up. When you’re on the right track, keep moving.
Instead of rushing to get the job finished, look for all the ways you can extend and expand your efforts. Feel the satisfaction of making a difference, and let it inspire you to make an even bigger difference.
Enjoy all that you can achieve. And then build on those achievements to enjoy even more.
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Senin, 19 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : LIVE WELL TODAY
Live well today, for you deserve it. Give time and energy to all you love, simply because you love it all.
You have put enormous effort into getting where you are. So enjoy where you are.
Find delight in the possibilities. Bring the very best ones to life.
Live well today, whatever you find yourself doing. With an attitude of sincere gratitude, any task, any situation will be a source of richness.
Live well today by being good and compassionate to yourself and to others. Enjoy the great sense of satisfaction that comes from being a positive presence.
This is the day you are now blessed with, so live it well. Remember how good life can be by putting that goodness into every moment.
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Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : ADMIT THAT YOU ARE YOU
Nothing is going to solve all your problems for you. However, you are completely capable of addressing each and every one of those problems yourself.
The energy to do so will come from a compelling purpose. Somewhere within you is that purpose, and what you must do is forge a solid connection to it.
In the things that you love, the things you dislike, the things that excite you and the things that frustrate you, are hints of that purpose. The quickest connection to your driving purpose is to admit that you are you.
Admit that you are you, with your quirks, your passions, your doubts, your values, and all the other truths about you. Admit that you are you, and admit all that you treasure about life.
Don’t struggle to fit into someone else’s pre-defined mold. Chart your own course, be your own person, and harvest the real value in your own purpose.
In your own beautiful uniqueness you will find the inspiration and energy to move positively forward. Admit you are you, and manifest your own special greatness.
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Jumat, 16 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : IN EVERY DETAIL
Whatever you’re doing, put your passion, love, full attention and awareness into it. Give all you have to even the smallest of acts.
The richness of life is created in the living of it. Fulfillment comes not from getting, taking, having or keeping, but from being and becoming.
In every detail of your life there is the opportunity for greatness. The more of yourself you put into all you do, the more successful you will be.
Always remember that this moment, this day is not a practice or preparation. Now is when real life happens.
Give your energy, your attention, your thoughts and your love to what you are doing right now. Put yourself fully into what you do, and whatever you do will be of much value.
There is no task too small or too large to ignore. Make life rich by living every moment, by thinking every thought, and by performing every act with all the greatness that is in you.
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Rabu, 14 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : THINK AND THEN ACT
Think your actions through, but don’t think them away. Carefully consider what you do, but don’t let consideration take the place of action.
It is powerful to think about what you’re doing. For that power to be meaningful, you must actually do.
You’re too good, too worthy to merely imagine and fantasize about living a great life. Give substance to your dreams by giving real, sustained action to your thoughts.
You’re too capable and resourceful to allow your time to be wasted on fruitless speculation. Put your skills to work by putting your intentions into action.
Think and then act. Strategize and then implement that strategy.
Action without thought is reckless, and thought with no action is wasted. Merge the power of thought with the power of action, and do the great things you were born to do.
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Senin, 12 Mei 2014
Daily Inspiration : UNENCUMBERED
Today, you can be unencumbered by your own shortcomings. Because you can choose to live your life beyond those shortcomings.
You can decide right now not to continue the self-destructive habits. You can free yourself to think the thoughts and take the actions that will raise you above your past disappointments.
The world will present plenty of challenges to you today. But you don’t have to add to those challenges with your own attitude and behavior.
In fact, you can put yourself in a position to welcome the challenges. You can welcome the challenges, knowing you have what it takes to transform them into life-enriching achievements.
You’ve always had control over the way you think and the way you act. Now, exercise that control to the fullest and most positive degree.
This is your moment, this is your day, energized by the power of your intention. Feel the lightness, feel the possibilities, feel the excitement of being free to soar, and do it.
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Selasa, 06 Mei 2014
What stories are you telling yourself about yourself? Are they stories of curiosity, courage, action and achievement, or stories of victimization and self pity?
Many things about you are true because you tell yourself they are true. Many aspects of the way you live and act, think and view the world can change by simply changing the stories you tell yourself about yourself.
You deserve a life that is full and rich. Envision the story of that life, and start repeating it to yourself.
The way you respond to life is a function of the way you see yourself responding to life. The way you move through each day is deeply affected by the way you imagine yourself doing so.
Think of the stories you’re telling yourself about your work, your relationships, your priorities, your challenges and your day. Look for opportunities to make those stories more positive and empowering.
You can tell yourself whatever stories you choose. Choose to tell yourself stories that point you toward the best life you can experience.
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Senin, 05 Mei 2014
You cannot stop life from changing, and you wouldn’t really want to. Life by its very definition is a process of change.
Though you cannot stop life from changing, you can choose to successfully deal with the changes. In fact, you can learn, adapt and adjust in ways that change your own life for the better.
Every time the world changes, new positive opportunities are born. And somewhere, in some way, the world is changing in every moment.
Instead of wishing that things had stayed the same, find the new possibilities that have been created. Choose to see that what can be gained is more valuable than what has been lost.
Security is not found by denying or hiding from the changes. Lasting security comes from being able to thrive and prosper, with your integrity intact, no matter what changes may come.
Whatever the change of the day or the moment may be, there is a positive response. Challenge yourself to find that response, and to make every change a change for the better.
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