What stories are you telling yourself about yourself? Are they stories of curiosity, courage, action and achievement, or stories of victimization and self pity?
Many things about you are true because you tell yourself they are true. Many aspects of the way you live and act, think and view the world can change by simply changing the stories you tell yourself about yourself.
You deserve a life that is full and rich. Envision the story of that life, and start repeating it to yourself.
The way you respond to life is a function of the way you see yourself responding to life. The way you move through each day is deeply affected by the way you imagine yourself doing so.
Think of the stories you’re telling yourself about your work, your relationships, your priorities, your challenges and your day. Look for opportunities to make those stories more positive and empowering.
You can tell yourself whatever stories you choose. Choose to tell yourself stories that point you toward the best life you can experience.
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